Ever since it was officially recognised by Royal charter in 1912, the Scout Association has taught British kids the type of campfire practicality and social do-gooding that is arguably lacking in our tech-rich, late capitalist world.
All that is in danger, however, as the organisation is having to turn away young applicants due to a lack of adult volunteers willing to teach them life skills such as how to tie knots, launch watercraft and work together to achieve a goal.
… The second barrier is a more general red flag: the very real fear among many men who want to work with children that they will be branded a potential paedophile. Full Article
😂🤣🤣😂😅🤣😂😅😅😂😅😂🤣😂🤣😂😅😂🤣😂🤣. Society better be careful what they wish for. Getting my 🍿 and watching the show. I love comedy. 🤣😂🤣😅🤣😂😅😂😅🤣😂
YES!!! They accomplished it. Congrats!! No more male teachers, scout volunteers, stay at home dads, Male school bus drivers, should I go on. That is what our society is about. They about outdid themselves with all these lies about (s) ex offenders. Everybody is scared now to be around children, you just never know, right? Let me get the popcorn. Sit back, relax and enjoy the show!
The pastor’s wife at my church had to become, her son’s BB coach, this year. According to her, “the male coach, that previously coach that team choose not to do it any more, ‘because it is too risky for men to be with children'”. She said, “All the fathers did not to do it for the same reason”.
Male teachers are soon to become extinct as well. I don’t blame them! All it takes is an accusation and you can just forget about having a normal life..
Society complains when the father is not involved, so the father tries to be involved, but nowadays is having a harder and harder time being involved for reasons like this with scouting, sports, teaching, etc. If the father is a stay at home dad, then society looks at him as if he is a slacker despite it working for the family. The mother is shackled with society’s idea of “poor you because you have to be working when he should be at least as much as you or instead of you and you should be raising the kids” even when the mother knows what works for her and the family.
The family unit in the end is ultimately destroyed because society tries to dictate what is the more correct way to raise a family despite not knowing what works for the particular family. Men in the end could just end up being sperm donors and nothing more while women will continue to be marginalized because they are picking up the family breadwinner role where the kids in the end will suffer with less than idealized childhoods and have issues that ultimately leave them open to a downfall themselves later in life.
The Hitler Youth of tomorrow.
Simple solution: Yes, adult males may volunteer or work with youth ….. BUT must maintain a distance of no less than 10 feet at all times.
It’s that simple!
Welcome to our idiocracy! 😄😆